v13.6.1 [May 9, 2017]
- PHP 7.1 Support: Take advantage of PHP 7.1's new capabilities, including:
- Nullable types.
- Void return type.
- Catching multiple exception types.
- Renovated JavaScript Tooling: Use the tools in Eclipse Web Tools Platform 3.8, such as:
- New ES6 capable JS parser.
- Bower and NPM integration.
- Grunt and gulp integration.
- Improved Composer Tooling: Create a PHP project from a composer package on Packagist, and simplify composer dependencies.
v13.0.1 [Sep 29, 2015]
PHP 7 Support:
Return Types Declaration
Combined Comparison (Spaceship) Operator
Null Coalesce Operator
Group Use Declarations
Generator Delegation
Anonymous Classes
Uniform Variable Syntax
Context Sensitive Lexer
PHP 7 CLI executables available as add-on (Experimental)
PHP 7 Express Migration Assistant - scans the PHP 5.x code for potential PHP 7 problems:
Functions that are no longer available in PHP 7
Dereferencing syntax that can have different meaning in PHP 5.x and PHP 7
Reserved words in PHP 7
Multiple default cases in a switch block
Docker Support
Tools for management of Docker Images and Containers
Integrates with the PHP Tools
PHP applications can be run, debugged and profiled on Docker Containers running Zend Server or other PHP stacks.
v12.0.2 [Oct 29, 2014]
- Early Access 64-bit package for Windows.
- PHP 5.6 binaries update to version 5.6.3
- Fixed high memory consumption in indexing of CSS files causing Studio to freeze.
- JavaScript, HTML, CSS and XML editors now have correct syntax coloring.
- Console output of Composer and Zend Tool has now appropriate coloring.
- Notification bubbles are now readable.
- Fixed breakage of PHP editor with certain PHP content.
- Fixed issue with duplicated code inserted by code assistance.
- Fixed erroneous reports for "Access to undeclared property".
- Fixed indentation problem when pasting PHP code.
- Changed label for PHP syntax and semantic problems.
v11.0.2 [Jul 15, 2014]
- Deployment-ready packages are just one click away. Push to production faster.
- Configure application server access hassle-free. Deploy, debug and monitor with ease.
- Comfortably browse and manage PHP dependencies with Composer.
- Work with a reduced package size product for quicker download, install and updates.
- Performance improvements and bugfixes.
v10.1.0 [Jun 28, 2013]
The latest release of Zend Studio makes it easier than ever to work with PHP libraries and Zend Server – both free and paid editions – to provide a powerful PHP development environment.
v10.0.1 [Nov 1, 2012]
In this release:
* Build complete, end-to-end cloud-connected mobile apps for Android, iOS and Windows Phone:
- Easily create, manage and test PHP Web Services (RESTful or RPC-style) using the Zend Server Gateway
- Use visual, drag-and-drop editors for client-side mobile interface prototyping and PHP Web Services creation
- Bind Web Services to mobile app widgets
- Easily debug Web Services using 'Debug Mode': a new integrated feature of Zend Studio 10 and Zend Server 6
- Generate platform-specific mobile projects for iOS, Android and Windows Phone (powered by Apache Cordova)
- Test your mobile app on an emulator or a target device
* Write Zend Framework 2 code more efficiently:
- Quickly create new Zend Framework projects, modules, view helpers and controllers
- Get content assist for services, helpers, controller variables inside views and configuration files
- View your project structure in MVC Outline view
* Develop faster and more productively:
- Find new PHP editor features, full PHP 5.4 support, PSR-2 compliant formatter, bug fixes and optimizations
- Debug faster and easier
* Take advantage of the tight integration with Zend Server 6
* Deploy your app to the Zend Developer Cloud or OpenShift: a Red Hat auto-scaling Cloud Application Platform as a Service (PaaS)
* Use the latest:
- PHP 5.3.21 and 5.4.11
- Zend Framework 1.12.1 and 2.1.0
v9.0.4 [Oct 19, 2011]
Zend Studio 9 is our best PHP IDE release ever! Designed to work with the development processes that developers increasingly use today, it adds exciting new capabilities including:
- Git and GitHub support
- Deep cloud integration
- Creation of deployment packages
- Much faster startup and running, much smaller footprint
v8.0.1 [Aug 2, 2010]
This release contains a new set of features for Rich Internet Applications
developers who use JavaScript and CSS technologies. This release also fixes a
number of important bugs and includes software updates.
This version is backward compatible with all 8.x versions.
Software Updates:
* Zend Framework 1.11.6
Resolved Tickets:
* Case 033465 - The toggle breakpoint shortcut key now creates the correct
* Case 033803 - Links in tool tip windows are now working
* Case 033638 - Opening a PHP file from the SVN Repositories view is now
* Case 187879 - Processing large files is now optimized
* Case 033246 - Running a PHP script with an error in the code now halts
the php-cli.exe process properly
* Case 032519 - The code formatter no longer removes the backslash character
from a namespace expression
* Case 033322 - The Remote search is now disabled in the search dialog
* Forum 04507 - The Remote Server Support page is now available in the project
properties page
* Case 033499 - Only the necessary resources are scanned when downloading a
specific directory in a Remote Server Support project
* Case 033679 - Various Javascript validator issues are now fixed
Resolved Bugs:
* ZSTD-415 - The Zend Firefox Toolbar now supports version 4.0
System Requirements:
* Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows x86, x86-64 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows7
- Linux x86
- Linux x86-64
- Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
* 800MHz processor (1.5GHz processor recommended)
* 1024MB RAM
* 700MB of hard disk space
* Product documentation is available through the web GUI of the product, and
on-line at http://www.zend.com/studio/resources
Known Issues:
* Users of the old synchronization remote server support model will need to
enable the new Remote Server Support. To do this, go to the project's propoerties
page, select Remote Server Support and click "Enable Remote Connection Properties".
* Updatabaility of Zend Studio 8.0 from beta #2 is supported with the following
1. For Windows users who use the UAC policy - Zend Studio must be launched
as an Administrator (right click on the Zend Studio 8.0 icon and select
"Run as Administrator").
2. Mac users are require to add a "dropins" folder under the installation
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